Qigong - Meditative Bewegung in der Krebsnachsorge |
Abstract: Qigong is a field of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. For the exercises, movements, breathing and meditative elements can be combined to form an entirety. With the help of Qigong it is possible to stimulate the forces of self-healing and to harmonize the vital energy called Qi. Therefore it also constitutes a very suitable method for fighting cancer. The requirements in Qigong can be adapted to the respective state of health. There are exercises at rest and exercises in motion. As the success of Qigong is based on one's own work, it also strengthens the patient's responsibility for himself, the self-confidence and the will to live.Qigong can be translated literally as "work with the vital energy" or in the sense of "meditation in movement" Qigong has a vivid Tradition in China since several thousands of years.During the physical exercises of Qigong, the diametrical elementary forces Yin and Yang are balanced by rising/lowering or opening/closing elements. The individual exercises are independent of each other, but they can be well combined to form sequences of movement. ln contrast to the Western forms of movement, with Qigong, the force of imagination is of great importance.
Keyword(s): Bewegung
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