Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Überlegungen zur Struktur chronischer Erkrankungen

Abstract: The progress in our scientific medicine results from the technical methods, with which it becomes possible to register deviations from the normal condition of the body earlier and more precisely. Especially in surgery this leads to a further development of therapeutical measures, which can help to correct these deviations. That this progress is not generally accepted, is very much caused by the fact, that the methods used in drug therapies have rather developed back. In computer language it would be called "unintelligent", when outer impulses are pouring down on a system and no permanent echo about the necessity and the present success of the therapy exists. This is especially unpleasant in the initial stage of diseases, where the ways how an organism deals with a disease play an important role. In this case, the therapy often prevents the self-regulation and rather burdens the organism than helping it.Although it is often forgotten, it has to be stated, that the organism is able to fight actively against all disturbing influences and to develop and to pass on modes of action. Symptoms, especially those, which can be registered without technical aid by one's own or by foreign observation are normally not the signs of a disease, they are rather more or less sufficient attempts of the organism, to control the disease. "Intelligent" therapies presuppose, that these impulses are understood, optimized and triggered.The symptoms of chronic diseases not only show, which organs have already been destroyed but they also show the means, the organ uses to attack the disease. In three relevant stages, first the irritation is articulated, then the strategic fight and finally the escalation with the breakdown of the crisis management.

Keyword(s): Chronische Erkrankungen

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