Form und Funktion aus der Sicht der Quantenmedizin |
Abstract: Forms represent something stable, something final. On the surface, they seem to be hardened structures, but in fact they are based on a specific vibration pattern, a blueprint so to speak, that brought them into existence in the first place. At the same time, however, forms are symbols emanating an unconscious effect. Quite spontaneously, we choose certain forms because they appeal to us. In other words, between our own vibration pattern and that of a given form there is some kind of resonance. Resonance means "vibrating in sympathy". However, this presupposes that we have counterparts which exist at the energetic level in the form of frequency patterns. Frequencies transmit information and hence a meaning. The underlying meaning of forms can only be decoded by looking at the polarity. The interrelationship between inside and outside, top and bottom corresponds to the structure of the body and its energetic pattern, which is determined by the DNS. The DNS is a sender-receiver system that can serve as a high-quality resonator controlling all cell functions. Control, however, is not exercised directly but through the so-called "genon field", which is established in each cell by photons and phonons and interacts with all forces - even the psyche! The resonance phenomenon, which leads the patient to choose particular forms, can reveal the functional condition of the organism and the underlying psychic pattern. The form, for its part, also has an effect on the organism and may cause changes within it. Through the information they carry, each modulated vibration has several qualities that can stimulate our five sense organs, i.e. smell, taste, sound, and colour, but also form. The attitude of individuals to a specific form indicates whether they are openminded and flexible (corresponding to the form in question), or else uncompromising in both their attitudes and, say their regulatory behaviour. For this reason, the use of these energy patterns for diagnosis and therapy opens up unprecedented and highly interesting opportunities.
Keyword(s): Quantenmedizin
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