Einige Bemerkungen zur neuromorphologischen Grundlage der Vaginalakupunktur |
, , ,Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1996; 39/3: 61-66.
Abstract: Vaginal acupuncture was first described by Buchheit in 1983. The predecessors Komisaruk and Wallman (1973) observed that mechanical stimulation of the vaginal part of the uterus of rats produces a blockages of the pain response in the thalamus. The authors analyse the hitherto existing knowledge on the types of nerve fibres as wll as the innervation and sensors both in the female uterus and vagina and some mammals and the sensory structures of the pelvic floor. The analysis showed that the examined organs were supplied by 3 types of nerve fibres: sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory, arising from the lower thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal ganglia. The uterovaginal plexus is not only found in the lateral borders of the organs. It extends along the ventral and dorsal sides, too. Based on the neuromorphological findings, the authors bring a possible explanation of vaginal acupuncture mechanisms.
Keyword(s): Vaginalakupunktur, neuromorphologische Grundlage, Fasernarten der Gebärmutter, Sensoren der Scheide.
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