Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery. 1995 Aug; 1(4): 110-2.
Surveys in complementary therapies: assessing the needs of people with cancer.
Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK.
The provision of complementary cancer care is a developing field. Recent surveys into the provision of complementary therapies have targeted not only the consumer but also the purchasers and providers of health care. There is interest amongst health authorities regarding the provision of complementary medicine as a cost effective intervention in the management of chronic conditions. There are a number of recent studies which aimed to address this issue. The Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital NHS Trust (RLHH), offers homoeopathy and other complementary therapies to support people living with cancer. A Macmillan Nurse, specialising in Complementary Therapies, was appointed at the RLHH to further develop the programme of complementary cancer care. A patient survey performed to assist the development of the programme showed that people living with cancer most wanted psychological help from complementary therapies. Since the provision of designated programmes of complementary cancer care, expansion in the range of therapies offered has taken place.
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