Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

[Mutabor--ambulatory intensive promotion for patients with acquired brain damage]

Journal/Book: Rehabilitation Stuttg. 1995; 34: 101-5.

Abstract: Mutabor is an incorporated society offering intensive home treatment services for persons with acquired brain damage. While family respite is included, the intensive treatment provided is primarily focussed on transferring the potential acquired during clinical therapy into the patients' personal and occupational day-to-day life and/or on building up new possibilities. Our treatment approach is aimed at enabling the patients to regain an individual and social identity while strengthening the patients' environment through respite care, counselling and ongoing therapeutic support. Mutabor works in close cooperation with medical doctors and therapists in the regional special clinics. Diagnosis and treatment however are weighted differently from what could usually be the case in a clinical setting; we rather undertake a highly individualized scrutiny of what would be practicable and desirable in a specific life situation. The cost is carried by the health insurance funds on a hourly or per diem basis. Our treatment concept is implemented by a team of 37 staff members from the fields of nursing, Occupational Therapy, logopedics/speech education, kinesitherapy, music therapy, social education, administration.

Note: Mutabor Ambulante Intensivforderung fur Menschen mit erworbenen Hirnschaden.

Keyword(s): Adult ; Ambulatory Care economics; Brain Damage, Chronic economics; Combined Modality Therapy; Cost Benefit Analysis; Disability Evaluation; English Abstract; Germany ; Home Care Services economics; Middle Age; Patient Care Team economics; Rehabilitation, Vocational economics; Respite Care economics Brain Damage, Chronic rehabilitation; Home Care Services; Patient Care Team; Rehabilitation, Vocational Female; Human; Male

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