The written dream: Action, resistance, and revelation |
Journal/Book: Psychoanal Quart. 1995; 64: 175 Fifth Ave, Room 210, New York, NY 10010. Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 658-671.
Abstract: There is a large body of literature that focuses on acting out, but there is little literature on a clear action in analysis, the written dream. The: literature that does exist describes anal determinants primarily. This is paper, with a clinical vignette at its center, calls attention to primal scene fantasies and wishes as one major impetus to the presentation of a written dream. The central theoretical point is to link Lewin's idea of analysis as a dream with the written dream as an action which invites the analyst into the dream.
Note: Article B Stimmel, 1185 Pk Ave, New York, NY 10128 USA
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