Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Audibility of reverse alarms under hearing protectors for normal and hearing-impaired listeners

Author(s): Casali, J. G.

Journal/Book: Ergonomics. 1995; 38: 4 John St, London, England WC1N 2ET. Taylor & Francis Ltd London. 2281-2299.

Abstract: The question of whether or not an individual suffering from a hearing loss is capable of hearing an auditory alarm or warning is an extremely important industrial safety issue. The ISO Standard that addresses auditory warnings for workplaces requires that any auditory alarm or warning be audible to all individuals in the workplace including those suffering from a hearing loss and/or wearing hearing protection devices (HPDs). Research was undertaken to determine how the ability to detect an alarm or warning signal changed for individuals with normal hearing and two levels of hearing loss as the levels of masking noise and alarm were manipulated. Pink noise was used as the masker and a heavy-equipment reverse alarm was used as the signal. The rating method paradigm of signal detection theory was used as the experimental procedure to separate the subjects' absolute sensitivities to the alarm from their individual criteria for deciding to respond in an affirmative manner. Results indicated that even at a fairly low signal-to-noise ratio (0 dB), subjects with a substantial hearing loss [a pure-tone average (PTA) hearing level of 45-50 dBHL in both ears] were capable of hearing the reverse alarm while wearing a high-attenuation earmuff in the pink noise used in the study.

Note: Article GS Robinson, Virginia Polytech Inst & State Univ, Dept Ind & Syst Engn, Auditory Syst Lab, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA

Keyword(s): hearing; auditory perception; hearing protectors; hearing loss; WARNING SOUNDS; PERCEPTION; ACCURACY; NOISE

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