Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Savant syndrome: Case studies, hypotheses, and implications for special education

Author(s): Rucker, H. N., Polloway, E. A., Smith, J. D., Lewis, G. W.

Journal/Book: Educ Train Ment Ret Dev Dis. 1995; 30: 1920 Association Dr, Reston, VA 22091-1589. Council Exceptional Children. 243-253.

Abstract: The concept of savant syndrome, encompassing those individuals historically Known as ''idiot savants'', is reviewed. Case studies demonstrating special abilities in the areas of calendar calculating, musical ability, artistic talent, memorization, mathematical skills, mechanical achievement, and fine sensory discrimination are discussed, as well as proposed hypotheses to explain savant syndrome. Specific attention is given to implications of savant syndrome for special education.

Note: Article EA Polloway, Lynchburg Coll, Sch Educ & Human Dev, Lynchburg, VA 24501 USA

Keyword(s): IDIOT SAVANT

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