Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Wirtsbaumbedingte Unterschiede von Mistelpräparaten

Journal/Book: Dtsch. Zschr. Onkol. 27 (6), 143-149. 1995;

Abstract: European mistletoe (viscum album L.) is a chlorophyllous plant growingon deciduous and coniferous trees. In Europe 74 different host trees areknown. The present investigation was carried out to evaluate theinfluences of different host trees (i.e. apple, ash, fir, maple, oak,pine) on active principles and on the in-vitro-cytotoxicity ofmistletoe-preparations (ABNOBAviscumregistered trade mark). Differinganalytical methods - e.g. HPLC-chromatography, determination ofviscotoxins and lectins - are characteristic for the host trees. Sodifferent viscotoxin patterns dependent on the host tree species couldbe found. Also the amount of the lectin content and the lectin patternis depending on the host tree used. Mistletoe-lectin (ML) I is thedominating lectin-component of extracts prepared from mistletoes grownon deciduous trees, whereas only ML II/III can be found in extracts frommistletoes of pine trees. Both lectin groups are components offir-mistletoe-preparations, in nearly equivalent ratios. Extractsprepared from oak-tree-mistletoes contain about fifty-fold more lectinthan preparations from pine-tree-mistletoes. But the in-vitro-effects ofthe preparations on different human tumor xenografts (small cell lungcarcinoma, large cell lung carcinoma, melanoma, tumours of 15 patientsof head and neck origin) didn't show any correlation to the amount oflectins found in the preparations.

Keyword(s): Medical:cancer-cell

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