Der Einsatz eines homöopathischen Komplexmittels beim klimakterischen Syndrom im Vergleich zur Hormonsubstitution |
,Abstract: In a randomized multi-center-study 130 patients suffering from menopausal syndrom were treated. 64 patients received a hormone-substitution and 66 patients were treated with a complex homeopathic remedy.The results indicated that in comparison to the hormone-therapy the FSH-, E2-levels, the cytologic results and the thickness of the endometrium have shown no significant changes.The subjective complaints however became significantly better under homeopathic treatment which is comparable to hormone-therapy.Therefore homeopathic therapy is supposed to be an alternative for patients objecting to hormone-therapy or for patients showing contraindications against hormones, but who want to alleviate their menopausal symptoms.
Keyword(s): Klimakterisches Syndrom
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