Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Grundzüge der Geschichte der Phytotherapie

Author(s): Kraft, K.

Abstract: As the ancient medicine was based on plants, there exists a vast field of research with respect to the effect of plants as a remedy and as poisons. Main emphasis is present in the ancient Egyptian art of healing, in the Greek-Roman area (among others Hippokrates, Cato, Dioskurides, Galen) as well as in the medieval garden of medicinal herbs and in the monastic medicine of the Benedictines (Strabo, Hildegard von Bingen). The Arabian scholars (Avicenna, Averroes) are other highlights in addition to the variety of magnificent books about herbs. The phytotherapeutical art of healing of Paracelsus but also the famous persons of the history of medicine like Hufeland, Sertiirner and Kiieipp must be acknowledged here especially.

Keyword(s): Medizingeschichte

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