Ohrakupunkturpunkte des Hundes und ihre Morphologie |
Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1995; 38/5: 103-113.
Abstract: Gross dissection of auricular cartilage was performed in 19 dogs of different breeds to show perforation sites. Topography of perforation sites and acupuncture points registrated in widely used canine ear maps were compared and 70 to 80% correspondence was noted. Perforating nerve-vessel bundles were detected similar to body acupuncture points. In sacrified dogs, activated earacupuncture points (aEAPs) were identified with a point finder, labelled, and histologically examined. Perforation sites corresponded with aEAPs also in this cases. Sections of aEAPs showed increased secretion of odourous glands, a large number of mast cells, and an infiltration of lymphocytes (particularly in chronic diseases). Moreover, in acute diseases, severely dilated lymphatics were seen. Immunhistochemical staining of nerve fibers showed dense perivascular nerve plexuses along blood vessels of the ear. It is suggested that sympathetic nerve fibers originating from the perivascular nerve plexuses are responsible for transmission of information from a corresponding organ to the auricular projection area. By releasing substance P, sympathetic nerve fibers may cause degranulation of mast cellls. Furthermore these nerve fibers may stimulate apocrine odourous glands. Consequently, signs of acute or chronic inflammatory processes were seen in the projection areas. These morphological changes could be responsible for decreased electrical skin measured in aEAPs.
Keyword(s): Ohrakupunkturpunkte (OAP)-Morphologie (Hund), Knorpelperforationen, Gefäß-Nerven-Bündel, Mastzellen.
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