Acupunct Electrother Res. 1994 Jan-Mar; 19(1): 11-7.
Ear acupuncture and psychosomatic medicine: right-left asymmetry of acupoints and lateral preferences--Part II.
S.I.R.A.A.--Società Italiana di Riflessoterapia, Agopunctura, Auricoloterapia, Prato, Italy.
A group of 50 patients with possible psychosomatic disorders was examined with five right-left preference tests: Oldfield's Handedness Inventory, and Coren and Porac's preference tests for hand, foot, eye and ear. The patients were sorted into "complete right" (consistent answers) and "incomplete right" (having answered "left" to at least one question) groups for each of these different tests. The sensitization of the left ear, particularly of the Sanjiao or Triple Heater area, is higher in the complete right than in the incomplete right group. The side to treat with Acupuncture is important for diagnosis and therapy.
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