Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

The therapeutic response in improvisational music therapy: What goes on inside? Special Issue: Psychiatric music therapy

Journal/Book: Music Therapy Perspectives. 1994; 12: 84-91.

Abstract: Presents basic findings from the areas of ego psychology, musical development, mother/caregiver-infant research, and creativity to explain basic processes in the therapeutic effect from improvisational music therapy within clinical settings for adults with mental illnesses. Methods inherent in the early dyad relationship are found in the improvisational music therapy literature. These serve to elicit preconflict responses from patients and are directed toward improved reality testing in the music. Case examples of 2 African American men (aged 32 and 79 yrs) are presented to illustrate the therapeutic response to music and to demonstrate the relationship between the patient's and the therapist's contributions to the music.

Note: therapeutic response & process in improvisational music therapy; African American 32 & 79 yr old clients & therapists

Keyword(s): Music therapy; psychotherapeutic processes; adulthood

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