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December 2024

The termination process in music therapy: II. A model and clinical applications

Author(s): Smeltekop, Roger A.

Journal/Book: Music Therapy Perspectives. 1994; 12: 28-34.

Abstract: Describes a model for the termination process in music therapy which includes 5 phases. These phases are termination announcement, review and evaluation, expression of feelings, projections into the future, and saying goodbye. The expression of feelings is central to the successful resolution of the personal issues evoked by the impending separation and the transition of the client into a hopeful future. The phases of termination can be facilitated by specific music therapy, such as performing music, lyric writing, listening, and movement. Music therapists are responsible for implementing treatment and its inevitable termination by using the power of their medium. Effective termination can turn an inherently difficult process into an ultimately healthy, long-lasting therapeutic outcome.

Note: 5 phase model for termination process in music therapy

Keyword(s): Treatment termination; music therapy; psychotherapeutic processes

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