Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Oplysning - Oplevelse - Oplivelse. Fællesoppgaver i undervisning og terapi

Journal/Book: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi. 1994; 3: 13-18.

Abstract: Experience, exploration, enlightenment. Differences and similarities between psychotherapy and pedagogy. Taking a starting point form the idea of living learning descriebed by the Dansih philosopher and Theologist N.F.S. Grundtvig The author discuss the general possibilities of psychotherapeutic concept within the teaching area (high school level and / or adult education). Fundamental differences and teaching are shown through the examination of inter- and intra aspects of the psychotherapeutic and the pedagogical contract (based on the idea by Marchen Møller). 4 areas are examined: 1. the role of the therapist/teacher, 2. the role of the client/student, 3. Purposes of the interaction, 4. Framework. The fundamental differences lies in the attitude towards the unconscious psychic material and towards resistance. Whereas this material and resitance must be workes through in the therapeutic interaction, they have a diffrent status within the open room of teaching with a personal dimention (Brita Lønstrup, Ruth Cohn). The teacher must deal very carefully with these matters: experiences and symbols may be shared and used as material, and resistance must be interpreted as an important message, but always in the pedagogical context, never within a personal context. The teacher must always repect the student´s "zone of untouchability". Similarities between psychotherapy and pedagogy are found in the exploring attitude towards reality and personal experience, and in the possibilities of intense dialogue (between two people or within a group). The inspirational and enlightening power of symbols is essential in both psychotherapy and teaching, and concepts and spesific techiques from the creative arts therapies can be applied to teaching with openness. ABSTRACT 2: Taking a starting point form the idea of living learning descriebed by the Dansih philosopher and Theologist N.F.S. Grundtvig The author discuss the general possibilities of psychotherapeutic concept within the teaching area (high school level and / or adult education). Fundamental differences and teaching are shown through the examination of inter- and intra aspects of the psychotherapeutic and the pedagogical contract (based on the idea by Marchen Møller). 4 areas are examined: 1. the role of the therapist/teacher, 2. the role of the client/student, 3. Purposes of the interaction, 4. Framework. The fundamental differences lies in the attitude towards the unconscious psychic material and towards resistance. Whereas this material and resitance must be workes through in the therapeutic interaction, they have a diffrent status within the open room of teaching with a personal dimention (Brita Lønstrup, Ruth Cohn). The teacher must deal very carefully with these matters: experiences and symbols may be shared and used as material, and resistance must be interpreted as an important message, but always in the pedagogical context, never within a personal context. The teacher must always repect the student´s "zone of untouchability". Similarities between psychotherapy and pedagogy are found in the exploring attitude towards reality and personal experience, and in the possibilities of intense dialogue (between two people or within a group). The inspirational and enlightening power of symbols is essential in both psychotherapy and teaching, and concepts and spesific techiques from the creative arts therapies can be applied to teaching with openness.

Note: Lars-Ole Bonde, født 1951. Cand. mag i musik/nordisk litteratur fra Ârhus Universitet 1979. Adjunkt, senere lektor i musikvidenskab på Aalborg Universitetscenter (med speciale i musikpsykologi, musikpædagogik og musikhistorie) 1981-87. Musikproducer ved Danmarks Radio fra 1986 (klassisk musik). Censor på Ârhus Universitet og Aalborg Universitetscenter. Extern lektor i musikterapi ved Aalborg Universitetscenter fra 1991. Bøger og artikler om musikpædagogik, musikpsykologi og musikhistorie, blandt andet "Kunsten og revolutionen. Forholdet mellem musik og samfund hos Richard Wagner", "Man skal høre meget. En bog om lærere og undervisning". Nordisk Tidsskrift for Musikkterapi, 1994, 3(2), s 79-83 Language: Danish ess: Aalborg University. Dep. of Music Therapy. Kroghstræde 6. D-9220 Aalborg Ø. Danmark * Artikkelen har stået i: Margit Dalsgaard og Brita Lønstrup (red.) (1992): Thyras visdom. - Debathæfte om undervisning. Daghøjskolen af Maj '82. Ârhus.

Keyword(s): Experience, exploration, enlightenment. Differences and similarities between psychotherapy and pedagogy.

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