Non - lectin component in a fermented extract from VISCUM ALBUM L. grown on pines induces proliferation of lymphocytes from healthy and allergic individuals in vitro |
Journal/Book: Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 47, 33-38. 1994;
Abstract: Mistletoe preparations have been shown to express immunomodulatoryproperties. In order to evaluate the stimulatory potency of differentmistletoe extracts, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) fromhealthy and allergic/atopic individuals were exposed to aqueous orfermented extracts derived from Viscum album L. grown on apple trees(Mali-extracts) or on pines (Pini-extracts). None of them had receivedany mistletoe treatment. Iscador Pini was the only extract whichstrongly induced proliferation of PBMC in contrast to the other fivepreparations. On testing these extracts by Western blotting withanti-mistletoe lectin-1 (ML-1) antibody positive sera frommistletoe-treated patients, it became evident that Iscador Pini wasalmost devoid of lectins. The stimulatory potency of Iscador Pini forPBMC from three different groups was examined: PBMC from 35 normalcontrols (Group I), 23 patients with drug-induced adverse effects (GroupII) and 16 individuals with allergic manifestations (Group III). Cellswere exposed in 7-day cultures to the extract at concentrations between1 and 10,000 micrograms/ml. PBMC from 63% of Group III individualsshowed strong stimulation (SI varying from 6 to 97) in contrast to only9% from Group I and 22% from Group II individuals. Anti-ML-1 antibodieswere detected in 5% and anti-IP antibodies in 11% of subjects in thethree groups. They were either of the IgA or IgM type but not of the IgGtype. Our findings strongly imply that a non-lectin associated antigenfrom Iscador Pini is able to activate PBMC from healthy andallergic/atopic individuals, thereby demonstrating sensitization toprobably highly conserved plant antigens. Author.
Keyword(s): ADULT
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