Paracelsus im Fortschritt der Medizin - damals wie heute |
Abstract: The five hundredth birthday of an universal genius like Paracelsus gives us the opportunity to think about the topical structures of relations and with respect to many levels. In this way, the situation of consciousness of Paracelsus can serve as an important starting point for a reflection in a time of changes and as a precursor of the modern scientific age. lt is this situation of consciousness, which makes it possible to understand specific anthropological and medical aspects.The relationship of this man from Hohenheim to his contemporary medical environment is another issue, which as his medical theory itself, can be pursued until our present medical scene and which calls for comparisons.Both issues clearly show the overall significance of the paracelsian nature and ideas. As an empiricist of nature as well as an empiricist of mind, Paracelsus was something new for his contemporaries. In our present time, this double function can become on the one hand an example for a medical development and on the other there might exist the chance to renew many fields of culture.
Keyword(s): Bewußtsein
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