Cardiopulmonary status of patients with idiopathic scoliosis |
, , ,Journal/Book: Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin. 1994; 3/4: 65-70.
Abstract: The cardiopulmonary capacities of 71 patients with idiopathic thoracic scoliosis were evaluated. The spirometric examination included an aerobic cardiopulmonary capacity test. Dependent an Cobb angle (groups la + IIb: < 40°; groups Ila + Ilb: 40-80°) and therapy (groups la + Ila: conservative treatment; groups lb + IIb: corrective operation at least one year prior to the study), four groups (la, lb, Ila, Ilb) were established. Maximum capacity and maximum oxygen uptake were determined and converted into per cent of nominal value regarding age and sex. A correlation of cardiopulmonary capacity and Cobb angle could not be documented (r=-0.24). Despite marked thoracic deformity, individual eases even showed performances above average.Outstanding averages of cardiopulmonary capacities of 113 °/o and 106 % were presented by groups la and lb, respectively.The better results of the surgically treated group lb with an average postoperative improvement of 30° Cobb (106 %) in comparison with the conservatively treated reference group Ila with a larger Cobb angle (96 %) are particulary remarkable.Clinical relevance: For patients with idiopathic thoracic scoliosis the status of physical training is more decisive concerning cardiopulmonary capacity than the Cobb angle. Therefore in case of doubt an aerobic capacity test should be carried out in addition to the measurement of static lung function parameters in order to avoid estimation. There is first evidence that operative erection of scoliosis makes long-term improvement of cardiopulmonary capacity possible.
Keyword(s): Skoliose
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