Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Push and pull forces in lever-wheelchair driving

Author(s): Henze, W., Moog, R.

Journal/Book: Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin. 1994; 4/5: 169-172.

Abstract: Objective: Contribution to the optimization of the driving technique in hand-lever wheelchairs.Subjects: Eight paraplegic subjects and eight subjects without physical handicaps participated in the study.Design: Peak forces were measured an the hand levers of the wheelchairs (1) during synchronous (parallel; 0 degree phase-shift) and asynchronous (180 degree phase-shift) propulsion at a stationary ergometer from 15 to 75 Joule/s (Watts) as a maximum, and (2) during wheelchair propulsion an a treadmill also at 25, 40 and 55 Joule/s. In addition the deve-lopment of peak force with and without a wheelchair back-rest was examined under both conditions (synchronous, asynchronous).Results: On the ergometer both paraplegic subjects and those without physical handicaps had significantly higher peak push than peak pull forces with synchronous as well as asynchronous lever propulsion. The peak forces developed during synchronous lever propulsion without a Backrest were higher for both groups during the pull than during the push cycle. For asynchronous propulsion, the peak lever force was similiar for the push and pull cycles. During asynchronous propulsion, an the treadmill the paraplegic subjects had a significantly higher peak push than peak pull force with a back-rest. The subjects without physical handicaps had similiar peak push and pull forces during wheelchair propulsion an the treadmill.Conclusions: The ergonomical optimization of modern hand-lever drive systems and of the driving techniques will improve the mobility of wheelchair users remark- ably.

Keyword(s): Handhebel-Rollstuhl

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