Ganzheitliche Basis zur Versorgung der onkologischen Patientin |
Abstract: In the center of the holistic therapeutical procedures of the oncological female patient is her inclusion and active participation. A constant motivation of the patient is necessary, when the patient has to deal psychically with the disease, to change her diet, to do without social drugs and to do sport. Within the frame of the present work, we especially consider the diet and its components which have an antioxidative effect and we also comment on questions concerning supplementation. lt is possible to meet the high consumption of antioxidative reserves during surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy with the administration of selenium, zinc, provitamin A, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. The mistletoe therapy which is still disputed, undoubtedly has endocrine and immunological effects, which can influence the quality of life as well as the survival time of the patient in a positive way.
Keyword(s): Onkologie
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