Arzneipflanzen in der Kunst |
Journal/Book: Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren. 1994; 35/10: 699-711.
Abstract: A study combining beaty and utility presents a number of medicinal plants that are not only imoprtant phytotherapeutics, but also objects of art. Beatuifully painted medicinal plants are not only found in old herbal almanacs, for instance in teh "New Kreüterbuch" by Leonhart Fuchs or rendered by Conrad Gessner. Many masters, old and young, also used them as motifs, e.g. Jan Brueghel, Daniel Seghers, Albrecht Dürer, Van Gogh and Salvador Dali. The most popular subjects are medicinal plants with lovely blossoms and/ or essential oil (odorants). Medicinal plants (or herbs) have also been subjects of lierary art. An example is the poem on the Ginko tree by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the West-Eastern Divan. Humorous verses by more recent authors, e.g. Karl Heinrich Wagerl, have also dealt with medical plants. Medicinal plants have also served as sculptural motifs. Mistletoe was a favourite motif of artisans beginning in1890. An interdisciplinary look at medicinal plants not only expands one's intellectual horizon, but also adds to one's specialized knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere. This kind of Arzneipflanzenstudien (studies im medicinal herbs) is certainly fun.
Keyword(s): Phytotherapie, Kunst, Malerei,Literatur, Jan Brueghel, Albrecht Dürer, Maurice Denis, Leonhart Fuchs, Conrad Gessner, Misteldekore, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, alte und neue Arzneipflanzen in Aquarell und Lyrik, Karl Heinrich Waggerl
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