Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Zum Verhältnis von Homöopathie und Psychoanalyse/Psychotherapie

Journal/Book: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung. 1994; 239/2: 50-61.

Abstract: Homoeopathy aod psychoanalysis in essential aspects show interesting similarities. They commence with the biography of their founders Hahnemann and Freud and with the development of their theory and practice. Furthermore they include the technique of casetaking and metatheroy. As theories of the individual homoeopathy as well as psychoanalysis constitute a counterpart to the social and scientific mainstream-thinking, a counterpart, which has to be insisted on.

Keyword(s): Homöopathie, Psychoanalyse, Metatheorie, Naturwissenschaften, Geisteswissenschaften

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