Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Relationship between internalization kinetics and action of an immunotoxin containing mistletoe lectin I A-chain

Journal/Book: In:Lectins: Biol. Biochem. Clinical Biochem. van Driessche E. et al.(eds.) Vol. 8, pp. 55-63, Textop, Hellerup (Denmark). 1993;

Abstract: We have taken two different approaches to the study of the entry ofmistletoe lectin I (MLI) into murine L1210 leukaemia cells. As detectedby cellular protein synthesis and DNA synthesis inhibition, the lectinwas cytotoxic to L1210 leukaemia cells. Inhibition of (3H)leucine and(3H)thymidine incorporation into L1210 cells by MLI was found dosedependent in a concentration range from 10(-16) to 10(-12) mol/ml. Thekinetics of cellular protein synthesis inhibition by MLI wasconcentration dependent, too. Using preembedding electron microscopy,the binding and intracellular routing of the gold-labelled lectin(MLI.Au15) were studied. MLI was internalized into L1210 leukaemia cellsby two different pathways: via coated pits to coated vesicles and vialong enclosed invaginations of the plasma membrane. Author.

Keyword(s): ANIMAL

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