Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Protein-energetische Unterernährung und immunologische Antworten

Abstract: Historical reports reveal a relation in time between famines and epidemics. Recently, careful epidemiological studies have shown a connection between nutritional deficits and increased risks of morbidity and mortality, which are dependent on infectious diseases. These observations have led to studies, in which the effect of a protein-energetic malnutrition on the immunocompetence has been examined. In the lymphatic tissues, especially in the thymus, atrophies were found. A reduction of the delayed skin hypersensitivity, less T-cells, especially T helper cells, reduced thymulin activity, diminished secretory immunoglobulin-A-antibody production, reduced antibody affinity, reduced concentration and activity of the complement components and a phagocytic dysfunction have been discovered.

Keyword(s): Protein-energetische Unterernährung

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