Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Die Bedeutung der Umweltfaktoren für die Krebsentstehung

Abstract: Involvement of body, soul and spirit in health and disease described from the anthroposophical medical point of view. Cancer developing through flight of the non-physical principles (soul and individual human spirit) from their firm bonds with the physical body. Details of the consequences of the flight reaction and of the way the principles are conditioned for flight by sensory perception being powerfully influenced by modern technology (film, television, radio, backward masking, subliminal cassettes).Training in sensory perception free from the effects of technology, and creative artistic activities under the guidance of a therapist will counteract the tendency to flight by strengthening the soul and ego's interest in the physical body, thus inducing healing tendencies.

Keyword(s): Krebskrankheit: Wesensgliederflucht aus dem Leiblichen (anthroposophisch-medizinische Wesensgliederkunde)

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