Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Die Säure-Basen-Bilanz - eine vergessene Dimension des Krebsgeschehens

Abstract: All chronic and degenerative complaints are linked to a derailment of the acid-base-balance in the sense of the normal values more or less increased acidosis of the inter- and intracellular space. Especially the malignant cells attain, as a result of their fermentation metabolism, a much lower level of the neutral point of pH 7 (v. Ardenne). The blood serum shows a reciprocal value proportional to the progress of the alkalosis, which increased physiologically with age, pathologically with the development of the illness or with cancer. The reason for this drifting apart from the biological norms is - besides the effects of known environmental damage the endemic unhealthy, refined and deficient nutrition found in the industrial nations. This includes an excess of acidcreating protein, refined flour and sugar and at the same time lacks of - primarily vegetable - alkali donors. Based upon this knowledge, there is certainly justification for the various nutritional schools of teaching which have been propagated world wide since the turn of the century (Bircher-Benner, Blond, McCann, McCarrison, McCollins, Flatcher, Graham, Kollath, Lahmann, Schnitzer, Waerland a.o.). These researchers and their proponents advocate a more or less strict vegetarism with a mostly large proportion of raw food.In spite of incontestable scientific evidence (Anemueller, Canzler, DGE, Frentzel-Beyme, Leitzmann, NCI (USA), Renner, Wendt a.o.) that nutrition which is rich in vital parts and low in protein and fat, can have a preventive as well as a supportive therapeutic effect, even in the case of cancer patients, this point of view has only gradually gained acceptance in the established, main stream oncological community. An acidic organism finds itself in a state of maximum torpidity of reaction and immune Depression For that reason proper nutrition to reduce the acidity, if necessary with the help of fasting, or if the need arises also with the help of alkalising bicarbonate, has to be viewed in treating these illnesses as the primary and further on as the basic therapy must absolutely be prescribed.Several methods are available to diagnose and control the acid-base-derailment. Sander originated the measurement of the acidosis in the urine, increasing and decreasing corresponding to the circadian rhythm. More exact however is the fractioning and comparative testing of the buffer capacity in the whole blood and in the blood serum according to Jörgensen.

Keyword(s): Gewebsazidose

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