Metakritikk, verdier og kvalitativ metode |
Journal/Book: Nordisk tidsskrift for musikkterapi. 1992; 1: 21-26.
Abstract: In this article, it is argued that the making of the profession of music therapy put forward a certain interpretation of what it means to be scientific, that is science as meta critical activity. This implifies that music therapist make explicit the inner relationship between values and/interests, epistemology and actions. It is argued that the use of qualitative methods are well suited to take care of such metacritical perspectives. Qualitative methods, on the basis of their immediacy and experiental closeness to the phenomena under scrutiny might be especially apprropriate for the study of musical improvisation in therapy. It is necessary, however, that this music therapists develop criterias of documentation and strategies of controlled subjectivity to assure the scientific standard og qualitative research in music therapy.
Note: Professor at the University of Oslo, lots of publications on music therapy and connected subjects, teacher at the Music Therapy Training since the start in 1978 Language: Norwegian Address: Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for musikk og teater, Avdeling for musikkvitenskap, Postboks 1017, Blindrn, N-0315 Oslo
Keyword(s): research, why qualitative methods in research?
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