Direct antineoplastic activity of different mistletoe preparations against oral cancer cell in vitro CPI-based matched-pair analysis (Meeting abstract) |
Journal/Book: Proc-Annu-Meet-Am-Assoc-Cancer-Res 33:A1339. 1992;
Abstract: Preparations of several types of mistletoe have shown cytotoxic activityagainst tumor cell colonies grown individually in double-layer soft agarsystems from oral cavity carcinoma explants. In a matched pair, analysisof 40 patients with oral cancer randomized by a balanced risk factorconstellation according to the CIP (Platz, Fries and Hudec 1991), wecould demonstrate T mali to be the most potent mistletoe preparationwith a success rate of 76% and a reduction of clonal growth in vitroranging from 51 to 94% following coincubation of cells and variabledoses of drugs. However, correlations of in vitro results and clinicaloutcome after local inoculation are until now not standardized. Author.
Keyword(s): ANTINEOPLASTIC-AGENTS/PD (pharmacology)
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