Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Immunmodulation durch ultraviolette Strahlen

Abstract: Exposure to sunlight has been used for treatment for more than a century. The results of the studies evaluating the effects of ultraviolet light on the immune function are contradictory. Older investigations predominantly described an improvement of the immune function, while in the past two decades most studies concluded, that irradiation with ultraviolet light causes immune suppression. The role of vitamin D in the regulation of the immune function has been evidenced in many investigations.Clear recommendations for clinical use in non-dermatological diseases are still missing. Beside osteoporosis, treatment with ultraviolet light seems promising in Transplantation medicine and allergic diseases. In-vitro-studies will help to understand the mechanisms of action. Yet, only investigations focussing on the clinical outcome of diseases after UV-treatment will be able to elucidate the optimal spectrum for therapeutic use, the dose, and the frequency of exposure.

Keyword(s): Ultraviolett

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