Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025


Author(s): Ersfeld, A.

Abstract: Anamirta cocculus (family: Menispermaceen), a climbing shrub from South Asia, was used in its native land for fishing. its fruit, the cocculus indicus, was not known in Europe until the 16th century. Norwegian sailors used it as a remedy against seasickness. Picrotoxin was the active substance which was isolated and administered for a long time as antidote to barbiturate poisoning.Homeopathy was intensively concerned with the fruit of A. cocculus (in textbooks mostly referred to as cocculus). Drug investigations revealed that it is a valuable remedy in the treatment of kinetosis (car and railway sickness, seasickness) and vascular attacks of vertigo (hypotonia, hypertonia, migraine, menopause, etc.).

Keyword(s): Anamirta cocculus

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