Kann ein homöopathisches Präparat elektrophysikalisch meßbare Veränderungen an destilliertem Wasser erzielen? |
,Abstract: A little group of three private searchers of the German "Forschungskreis für Geobiologie Dr. Hartmann e. V., Waldbrunn-Waldkatzenbach" has found obviously with an appropriate measuring-arrangement, that a homoeopathic preparation (High Potences included) takes an influence to destillated water. Water and homoeopathic preparation are placed about a distance of 5 cm without any contact. To be measured is a potential of voltage in range less than microvolts, indicated by an Yt-recorder. So measuringcurves are be generated, which in the course display specified differences between preparations with the same hormone and different dilution, just the same as with those preparations containing different hormone and the same dilution.
Keyword(s): Hochpotenzen
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