Das azetonämische Erbrechen und seine homöopathische Behandlung(Zyklisches ketonämisches Erbrechen) |
Journal/Book: Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren. 1992; 33/4: 315-320.
Abstract: The vomiting due to acetonaemia is a metabolic disorder which increasingly occurs in children from the third through the fifth year of age. Apart from a special diet, i. e. supply of abundant carbohydrates and avoiding fat, the homoeotherapy has proved to be a purposeful and highly effective medicinal measure.The most frequently indicated drugs Acetone D 10, Aethusa cynapium, Arsenicum album, Ferrum phosphoricum, Phosphorus, Senna, Ignatia, Sodium muriaticum and Lycopodium are continously described.
Keyword(s): azetonämisches Erbrechen
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