Physiologisches Tapen und Propriozeptorentraining als natürliche, physiologische Maßnahmen zur Prävention der häufigsten Sportverletzungen |
Journal/Book: Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren. 1992; 33/1: 34-40.
Abstract: The learning of two new prophylactic measures is the most important point of view in preventive medicine as to the prevention of the most frequent sports injuries (tarsal supination trauma, sprain of the knee, manual mistakes in catching and defence): training of the proprioceptors and physiological taping. Physiological taping comprises exercises for strengthening certain groups of muscles which are intended to perform a preventive key-function as well as stretching their antagonists. In the training of proprioceptors special exercises of balancing and catching are practised for improving the sense of position and movement at especially endangered joints.
Keyword(s): Sportmedizin
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