Sonne, Wasser, Blüten - die Bach-Potenzierung- Zur Herstellungsmethodik und Pflanzenauswahl in der Original Bach-Blütentherapie - |
Abstract: The original Bach flower therapy of the British physician Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) uses flowers in a special way, which is different from the common phytotherapy. Neither the material part nor the physical substances of a plant are important for its effect, but rather its special energy, the 'essence' of the plant. Among the flowers and trees of Great Britain, Bach found 38 wild plants which fulfilled his criteria. He only selected, plants of higher order, which do not serve as nutrition for people and which do not contain any toxic substances, but which show a high energy vibration. When he selected the plants, Bach used his intuition, because he had a very subtle perception, so that he was able to recognize the energy potential of a plant by the reaction of his soul and body.For the production of his concentrates, Bach used the flowers of the plant he had selected. He developed two special procedures, the sun method and the boiling method. By the contribution of all four elements it is possible to store the energy quality of the respective plant in water with a kind of potentialisation. The vibration frequency of the Bach flower concentrates which have been obtained by these methods corresponds with the negative, collective human psychic conditions and helps to transform them.The system of the 38 Bach flowers is complete and comprises all archetypical negative psychic conditions of man. The plant species selected according to Bach's criteria, show the especially actionspecific energetic information patterns, as can be demonstrated with the help of special test procedures. The original Bach flower concentrates are still produced today in Great Britain according to the methods developed by Dr. Bach.
Keyword(s): Bach-Blütentherapie
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