Nahrungsmittelallergisch bedingte Erkrankungen der Mundhöhle verifiziert durch Regulationsthermographie (Rost) |
Journal/Book: Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren. 1992; 33/9: 737-745.
Abstract: The dental therapy within the frame of the systematic paradontal treatment shows, no doubt, positive results. These are always then programmed, if predominantly local factors are causally responsible.However, the numerous therapeutical failures (recidivation) do not remain unrevealed to the critical observer. Also further local intensive therapy and hygiene do not guarantee any continuous therapeutical success.The clinically insufficiently considered causes of the enteral dysfunctions - especially attention has to be paid to the versatile food intolerances (food allergies) - have to be taken into account with these cases that are refractory in respect of the therapy.Till now the university parodontology does not find the necessary acceptance and does not have the required diagnostic possibilities. The regulation thermography (Rost) helps to overcome the existing diagnostic gap. The relation intestine - parodontium is pathognomonically redefined. Based an clinical cases the demand for extensive dental diagnoses in connection with parodontal treatment is supported.
Keyword(s): Parodontopathien
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