Das Mikro-Perl-System, eine Applikationstechnik zur Immunaktivierung und durchblutungsfördernden Wirkung bei niedrig dosierter Ozontherapie |
Abstract: The two main effects of the lowdose-ozone-therapy, administered in the form of the "major autohemotherapy" are:1. The oxygen release-effect by induction of 2,3-DPG which loosens the Hemoglobin oxygen bond thus facilitating the release of oxygen to the surrounding tissue.2. The immune activating effect, measured by induction of y-Interferon, Tumor-nekroses-factor-a and Interleukin-2.As the leucocytes have shown to be very sensitive to the ozone concentration, a new application technic is described: the Micro-Perl-System.Due to the oxygen release effect the circulatory disturbances belong to the classical indication range of ozone therapy.The immune activating effect is the scientific basic underlying the indications: infections and immune deficiencies.
Keyword(s): Ozon-Sauerstoff-Gemische
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