Rev Esp Cardiol. 1991 May; 44(5): 347-50.
[Digitalis poisoning from medicinal herbs. Two different mechanisms of production]
Servicio de CardiologÃa, Hospital Reina SofÃa, Córdoba.
Two cases of digitalis toxicity due to uncontrolled ingestion of medicinal herbs are presented. The first of them was caused by oleander (Nerium oleander); digoxinemia levels were very high in this patient (4.44 ng/l), who presented many brady- and tachyarrhythmias. These arrhythmias disappeared when digoxinemia returned to normal values. The second patient had atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular rate, severe hypokalemia (2.1 mEq/l) and normal digoxinemia levels. He was taking medicinal herbs for a cold, with sorbitol between its components. Sorbitol may be similar to mannitol and glycerol (osmotic diuretic drugs) when taken at high doses. Uncontrolled ingestion of medicinal herbs is not safe, and severe poisoning can occur.
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