Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Healing the trauma of incest through guided imagery and music therapy: a Jungian perspective

Abstract: This thesis on the use of a Jungian approach to GIM as a primary psychotherapeutic technique to heal victims of incest is organized into five chapters. Chapter one describes sexual abuse in the family and the resultant dysfunctional behaviors of the victim. In chapter two, the GIM technique is presented, including its process and unique qualifications for use with victims of sexual abuse. Chapter three explains some Jungian concepts, and chapter four delineates the process through which Jungian archetypes and GIM can be used to help sexually abused women. Chapter five is an analyzed case presentation. The author concludes that GIM addresses the mind, body, and soul and that using this technique with a Jungian framework is effective in treatment of incest survivors because of the deeper understanding it gives of symbolic language. ABSTRACT 2: This unpublished reference comes from the reference list in Toomey 1997 - it is included in this database, quoting Toomey's recommendation of sending inquiries about it to one of the following addresses:

Note: Jung.

Keyword(s): Incest, guided-imagery-and-music.

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