Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Nahrungsergänzungsstoffe und ihre Wirkung auf das Immunsystem

Abstract: lt has been proven, that deficiencies of one several nutritive substances have an effect on the immunological system. Latest results of research projects, where essential and non-essential supplementary nutritive substances have been examined, showed that even without the presence of deficiencies of nutritive substances the immunological function in humans can be stimulated or improved.The return of the immunological system of elderly people to a normal younger state can be achieved.New supplementary nutritive substances as e. g. coenzyme Q1O, specific amino acids, thymus extracts and trace elements showed impressive results with respect to humans in clinical trials.Also the reduction of immunodepressive conditions, as e. g. stress, hyperlipaemia and high blood sugar can be achieved by supplementary nutritive substances. The defensive mechanisms can be generally improved with the help of these substances.

Keyword(s): Nährstoffergänzungen

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