Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Therapeutical Possibilities of Physical Medicine with Osteoporosis

Journal/Book: Natur- und Ganzheitsmedizin Wissenschaft und Praxis. 1991; 4/8: 234-237.

Abstract: The foremost short-term curative aim of osteoporosis therapy is the alleviation of pain. Most often the pain is not caused by fractures but by compression of the upper spinal plates. Due to the infractions the rotatory forces of the single vertebrae are disturbed. A permanent overstrain of the parts of the muscles involved results and needs to be treated with massages and kinesitherapy. Flexion exercises are not indicated. Before starting the treatment, an extensive diagnosis - ideally in cooperation with a kinesitherapist- should be formulated. It is also an aim of the therapy to motivate the patient for a long-term - in most cases lifelong -participation in therapy groups.

Keyword(s): Osteoporose

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