Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Die mikrobiologische Therapie bei Neurodermitis

Abstract: Man has been concerned with microorganisms since nearly 1660. At that time micro-organisms have been for the first time recognized and described by Jan Leeuwen-Hoek. He constructed with simple means the first microscope which already had a 257-fold magnification. He saw the microorganisms which moved and he was pleased with their leaps and dances. That his discovery had a revolutionary character was proven to be true 200 years later, when the chemist Louis Pasteur discovered with better microscopes and a spirit of research, which was equivalent to that of Leeuwen-Hoek, micro-organisms which caused the fermentation in wine. The judgement of the micro-organisms which was positive in the beginning suddenly changed, when Pasteur and later on other researchers identified certain bacteria as carriers of epidemics such as lyssa, cholera, typhoid fever or tuberculosis. Since then, the bacteria still have their bad reputation as pathogens. The extracellular basic system according to Pischinger constitutes according to our present knowledge the site of the unspecific defence. Therefore it makes sense to stabilize this basic substance by an appropriate stimulation therapy and to activate it and the microbiological therapy makes an important contribution to this.The immunolgical system is a fighting organ only in special Situation as it is the case with an acute infection. The daily picture of living together is rather a constant getting into contact, a constant exchange of information between the microorganisms and the immunological organs of the macro-organism. Now it is time, that man recognizes the microbes not only as an enemy but also as a partner. The micro-ecology in the field of medicine is very often considered as a foreign word. Especially in this field a new thinking and especially a new consciousness of a mutual belonging together has to take place.Jan-Olaf Gebbas and Jean A. Laissue were able to prove with their studies, that the effektive surface of the intestine with its folds which reach into the microvilli has a size of 300 M2 in the case of adults. lt is 100 times larger than the external surface of the skin, which is 1,8 M2 according to the body volume. This illustrates the importance of the intestine as an extensive exchange and entry area of the body for the repulse of harmful influences.The healing of a chronic disease as for example neurodermatitis is especially dependant on the sanitation of the microbiological and inmunological terrain in the intestine.Or as Goethe said:"Müsset in der Natur betrachten, immer eins wie alles achten.Nichts ist drinnen, nichts ist draußen, denn was innen, das ist außen"(Epirrhema)

Keyword(s): Immunologie

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