Die Ohrdetektion - Eine Möglichkeit zur Ganzheitserfassung und Her-Störfeld-Testung |
Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1991; 36/06: 129-133.
Abstract: There is an increasing tendency, in the sense of holistic medicine, to combine conventional medical diagnosis and theraoy with complementary methods. Acupuncture became one of the pillars of antique Chinese medicine, but it was never considered as an isolated method. The patient was always viewed as a whole and his personality and his physical and psychological states were all considered as having effects on both his health and illness. Ear acupuncutre is a similar holistic approach. It is one of the latest forms of acupuncture. Ear acupuncture or auricular medicine offers considerable possibilities for diagnosis and for including specific individual aspects of constitution as well as the somatogenic and mental states. Therefore, detection on the auricle as a means to a holistic approach has already proved itself successful as complementary method. The information which may be obtained by this method and its value for diagnosis has been increased by means of ongoing research and experience as well as through successful therapies. Working hypothesis and dogma which frequently coincide with conventional medicine have developed this form of acupuncture to an auricular medical method which includes diagnosis. The diagnostic indications are not only important for ear acupuncture therapy. They are particularly of value for comprehending complicated cases of multiple diseases. Detection on the auricle has also proved helpful as an additive to conventional medical diagnosis in the search for foci and fields of disturbance where other tests did not give conclusive results. The procedures for detection on the auricle including the use of a frequential laser apparatus are discussed.
Keyword(s): Aurikulomedizin, funktionelle Diagnostik, Ganzheitserfassung, Nogier-Reflex, Diagnostik- und Therapiehindernisse, Störfelddiagnostik nach Bahr, frequentielle Laserdiagnostik
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