Die Marma-Therapie- Belebung der psychophysischen Einheit - |
Abstract: The Marmatherapy is a systematic treatment of specific keypoints of the human body. It is looked upon as the original form of all pressurepoint-treatments. lt was revived during the last years and taken into the therapycatalogue of Maharishi Ayur-Veda.Marma means vital or vulnerable point. The injury of different points is exactly defined by specific pathological symptoms. Stimulation of Marinas enlivens the whole physiology.The treatment of Marmas connects the different levels of human physiology: the material-bodily structures with the subtlest subjectively experiencable states, the unified field of consciousness. By this procedure Ojas is enlivened in the body: the Ayurveda postulates this "substance" which enlivens and brings into order, the qualities of the human consciousness as well as the ones of the body. Thereby it has a healing influence for the whole human being. The reduction of Ojas is described by defined pathological symptoms. Its enlivenment in the human physiology is seen by differenciated parameters which show enhanced healthy functions of body and mind.The 107 Marmapoints are at cross-andjunctionpoints of different anatomical structures: joints, ateries, veins, ligaments and muscles. The touch of one Marmapoint enlivens all other Marmapoints of the body like a network. This is even more true for the three main Marmas, which are situated at the bladder, heart and crown of the head. Marmapoints can be enlivened and harmonised by manual touch (Marmapoint-Massage with for the disturbance specificly chosen aromaoils) or mental touch (thoughts, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga-Asanas).Diagnosis of disturbance, choosing of the points which are to be treated, and successcontrol of the therapy is done by the ayurvedic pulsdiagnosis. The successfull result is cure of diseases with an integrated, harmonical feeling of body and mind. This is ideally experienced as bliss.
Keyword(s): Marma-Punkte
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