Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Statistische Auswertung des sechswöchigen Elektrostimulations(ESTIM)-Trainings im Fechtsportbereich

Abstract: Since three years, devices have been available on the German market, which belong to a Generation of electronic devices, which have been of American origin: "Meditation machines" or also called mind machines, as they are called among experts. With These machines it seems to be possible to purposefully change the subtle functions of the human brain in the sense of a feedback programming. With respect to expenditure of time, These mind machines seem to have an important advantage compared with the classical relaxation methods like yoga, meditation and autogenic Training. The electro-stimulation (ESTIM) machines which are mainly known as TENS and CES are certainly most interesting. As opposed to the common devices these devices known as mind machines function with very subtle currents (microampere range). Only by scientific examinations with a very high reliability (validity) and exactness (reliability), sound assessments of this new stimulation technique are possible. In the course of my thesis, the effectiveness of the L5 IIVI-device "Urainman" has been examined. The results of this double-blind study will be presented in the following article.

Keyword(s): Mind- oder Brain-Machines

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