Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Nährstoffzufuhr und Konstitution

Author(s): Plath, M., Bernhard, W., Jung, K., Leitzmann, C.

Journal/Book: Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren. 1991; 32/5: 386-392.

Abstract: In a collective of 42 sportsmen and 13 sportswomen, very significant to highly significant negative relationships between cumulative intake of calories, fat and carbohydrates and the constitutional characteristics endomorphism (pyknomorphism) and fat gain percentage. Larger sportsmen/women had a considerably larger food intake than smaller ones. Together with the results of Story et al. (1986) and Pargman (1971), these findings support the existence of a genetic, constitutional disposition towards pyknomorphism or adiposity and may also support the theory of the "inefficient food utiliser".

Keyword(s): Konstitution

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