Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Physiologisch vorgegebene Bedingungen für ein präventionsorientiertes Ernährungssystem - Hintergrund einer vollwertigen Ernährung

Abstract: Physiological effects of dietary fiber in human GIT are described and recommendations for supply are given.Dietary fiber influences a widely spread malnutrition by decreasing energy density without any difference of nutrient density. Satiety values of meals are increased.Because of slow down nutrient resorption in duodenum dietary fiber improves glucose tolerance, because of adsorbing bile acids and being metabolised to propionate by intestinal flora it decreases LDL-cholesterol in serum. Further shortchain fatty acids, which originate from metabolised dietary fiber by intestinal flora decrease ph-value in the colon lumen and thereby influence tumor prevention positively. Common known effect of dietary fiber is promoting peristalsis and so leading to a better bowel moving. For prevention it is not efficient to use dietary fiber in an isolated form. Aim of changing daily nutrition behaviour should be, that ca. half of the foodstuffs are eaten as uncooked, fresh food (raw food including nuts and seeds) while the other half should be cooked. Also in the portion last mentioned legumes and fruits should form the focal point of daily nutrition. This recommendations must possibly be modificated when using it for therapy.

Keyword(s): Physiologie

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