Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

The principle of crystallization as used in a music-oriented psychotherapy. TITLE, ORIGINAL: Das Kristallisationsprinzip in einer musikorientierten Psychotherapie.

Journal/Book: Musik und Gestalt: Klinische Musiktherapie als integrative Psychotherapie. 1990; Paderborn. Junfermann. 69-97.

Abstract: The arts are a ritual manifestation of creative activity in human existence, and therefore belong within the purview of music therapy. The special role of music in connection with psychic integration and continuity is described in order to introduce the theoretical concept of a music-oriented psychotherapy and to explain the principle of crystallization. This principle reveals the meaning of music in its relationship to all aesthetic functions in the life of human beings. (author)

Keyword(s): therapy > crystallization principle; psychology > psychotherapy > . integrative > role of music

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