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Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Undergraduate music therapy education and training: Current status and proposals for the future

Author(s): McKinney, Cathy H.

Journal/Book: Journal of Music Therapy. 1990; 27: 158-178.

Abstract: To establish the current status of undergraduate music therapy education and training, 59 microfiche copies of college and university catalogs were examined. Information regarding requirements in music therapy, music, natural and behavioral sciences, and general education was collected. These data were then compared against the curricular standards set forth by the National Association for Music Therapy. Existing compilations of music therapy competencies were also examined evaluating each for its usefulness in determining curriculum for music therapy education and training. Shortcomings and strengths in the present music therapy curriculum are identified based on competency research findings. ABSTRACT 2: To establish the current status of undergraduate music therapy education and training, 66 microfiche copies of college and university catalogues were examined. Information regarding requirements in music therapy, music, natural and behavioral sciences, and general education was collected. The collected data were then compared against the curricular standards set forth by the National Association for Music Therapy. In addition, the authors examined existing compilations of music therapy competencies, examining each for its usefulness in determining curriculum for music therapy education and training.Shortcomings and strengths in the present music therapy curriculum are identified based on competency research findings. The authors suggest methods for resolving the divergence between research findings related to the competencies necessary for the practice of music therapy and undergraduate curricula. Additional suggestions are made for identifying competencies that define and facilitate optimal manifestaions of the present and future potential of music therapy practice.

Note: current status of undergraduate music therapy education & training

Keyword(s): Music therapy; clinical methods training;. education, training, college, college-curriculum, college-level, training-course, training-methods, training-program training-objectives.

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